The goal of the project was to create a logo and brand identity for the Oakwood Inclusion Coalition (OIC), which works to study, promote, and celebrate an inclusive, equitable, diverse, and welcoming environment and community.

General Business Card in Orange

Leadership Business Card in Green

General Business Card in Blue




This project provided me with many opportunities that are applicable to the real world. First, and most important, it gave me the chance to work in a truly collaborative environment. I learned how to integrate others' ideas into my work and learned to appreciate how someone else's vision can be the best one to explore. Second, I learned amazing leadership skills in regard to design teams. Myself and two others in this project made up a leadership team and helped guide our classmates on how exactly we would approach this project. Finally, this project gave me additional experience working with real clients that don't have the same experience with design. This encouraged me, as well as the rest of the class, to be ready to explain our designs in ways we never had before. We all became better designers for it, despite any frustrations we may have experienced.